How to Control:
- Weedmat very small discrete spots for 2-3 months. Limited effectiveness, only really applicable around plantings as a suppression method. Does not prevent reinvasion.
- Spray new growth (spring & autumn) with (60ml haloxyfop + 50ml crop oil/10L water). Haloxyfop is selective for grass species. At a minimum, a second follow up spray essential on re-growth.
- Spray (100ml glyphosate (non-selective) + 20ml penetrant/10L water). At a minimum, a second follow up spray essential on re-growth.
Do not spray after heavy frost.
Physical removal largely ineffective and creates disposal problems. Maintain rolling control front, check for occasional seedlings. Planting dense, 2 m + tall belts of shady, shrubby species can block spread into at-risk habitats.
Rarely seeds, so mainly spread by stolon and rhizome fragments. Seeds can be spread by livestock in their dung, and seed and fragments are spread by contaminated machinery and boots, dumped vegetation, soil movement, and road graders. Grazing gives some control.
Caution: when using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.