Reotahi needs our support!
Weed Action is submitting to the Whangārei District Council (WDC) Long Term Plan 2024 – 2034 to have designated and undisputed funding assigned to Reotahi so that weed management planning can be put in place to ensure the integrity of the forest is assured for future generations. A figure of $20,000 per annum for the next 10 years is required to support weed management efforts on Reotahi.
The 60-ha WDC reserve at Reotahi is a taonga for the local community and a tourist attraction. The reserve is ranked as Nationally Significant but does not have the environmental protections or resourcing required to prevent ongoing degradation from invasive weeds including wild ginger, elaeagnus, jasmine and a suite of others.
Local volunteers have contributed over 1500 hours of weed removal since 2020, equating to $45,000 of value. In 2022, Weed Action received a grant for $50,000, which enabled us to employ conservation contractors Aki Tai Here to remove the majority of large seeding species and to make a significant dent in the level of invasion. The momentum of restoration gained to date cannot be lost, or progress made will be to no avail.
Please add your name to this form if you would like to support our submission:
All details are confidential and only the total number of respondents will be used in our submission.
Thank you!